您好,这是临夏教育。感谢您对《水调歌头·明月几时有》的兴趣。这首词是一首著名的中秋词,由宋代文学家苏轼创作于1076年,当时他在密州(今山东诸城)任太守,与弟弟苏辙分别已经七年,中秋之夜,他与客人欢饮达旦,抒发了对亲人的思念和对人生的感慨。词中运用了形象描绘、拟人化、比喻等手法,展现了词人豪放洒脱的风格和旷达超脱的胸怀。词的结构分为上下两阕,上阕以月为兴,表达了词人对天上宫阙的向往和对人间风光的欣赏,下阕以人为主,表达了词人对兄弟的怀念和对人生的哲理。词的结尾“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”是一句千古名句,寄托了词人对亲友的祝福,也体现了词人乐观的人生态度。 苏轼的《水调歌头》是一首著名的
- [文言文鉴赏《水调歌头(明月几时有)》诗文鉴赏及考点揭秘](^1^)
- [水调歌头·明月几时有_百度百科](^2^)
- [《水调歌头·明月几时有》检测习题--免费语文教学资料](^4^)《水调歌头明月几时有》是苏轼写给
The Mid-Autumn Moon
When did the moon first shine so bright?
I raise my cup and ask the sky.
I wonder what the palace in the sky
Looks like on this festive night.
I wish I could ride the wind and fly
To join the immortals in their realm.
But I fear the cold of jade and gem
Would chill my bones up there so high.
I'd rather dance with my shadow here
Under the moonlight's silver beam.
What could be more delightful than this scene
Of earthly joy and heavenly cheer?
The moon moves across the crimson tower
And lingers by the window low
It shines upon my restless brow
And keeps me awake till the wee hour.
Why should the moon bear me a grudge
And show its fullness when we part?
People have their joys and sorrows, smart
And the moon has its wax and wane, I judge.
This is the way things always go
Since ancient times they never change.
But I wish we could live long and grow old
And share the moonlight though we're far away.
- [文言文鉴赏《水调歌头(明月几时有)》诗文鉴赏及考点揭秘](^1^)
- [水调歌头·明月几时有_百度百科](^2^)
- [《水调歌头·明月几时有》检测习题--免费语文教学资料](^4^)《水调歌头明月几时有》是苏轼写给
The Mid-Autumn Moon
When did the moon first shine so bright?
I raise my cup and ask the sky.
I wonder what the palace in the sky
Looks like on this festive night.
I wish I could ride the wind and fly
To join the immortals in their realm.
But I fear the cold of jade and gem
Would chill my bones up there so high.
I'd rather dance with my shadow here
Under the moonlight's silver beam.
What could be more delightful than this scene
Of earthly joy and heavenly cheer?
The moon moves across the crimson tower
And lingers by the window low
It shines upon my restless brow
And keeps me awake till the wee hour.
Why should the moon bear me a grudge
And show its fullness when we part?
People have their joys and sorrows, smart
And the moon has its wax and wane, I judge.
This is the way things always go
Since ancient times they never change.
But I wish we could live long and grow old
And share the moonlight though we're far away.